Winter Jam 2009 is now in our rearview mirror. Once again we had to turn away several hundred fans due to a lack of space. I was impressed by the die hard fans who were actually at the venue at 8:30AM Sunday morning when I came into work. I hope that they were able to find seats close to the stage! I was also glad that the weather was pleasant, allowing many fans the chance to enjoy themselves as they waited for the doors to open. Hope to see all of you again next year.
The success of Winter Jam leads me to ask the question: could a similar show work in the rock or country realm? What if three or four rock or country acts performed for a $10 ticket? Would you guys support something like that? From a venue standpoint we would love to see more shows where we have the enviable problem of having to turn people away due to a lack of seats. Maybe we can put a show like that together for the summertime to test the theory.